Performance Output - Verb Tenses

 Direction. Complete the following sentences using the correct word (Copy and Answer)

Simple Tense Test: Fill in the Blanks

Instructions: Choose the correct simple tense (present, past, or future) to complete each sentence grammatically.

  1. The sun ________ (shine) brightly every day this week.
  2. I ________ (eat) breakfast every morning before work.
  3. She ________ (travel) to Europe last summer.
  4. They ________ (watch) a movie tonight.
  5. We ________ (visit) our grandparents next weekend.
  6. He ________ (write) a letter every week to his pen pal.
  7. She ________ (speak) fluent French since she was a child.
  8. They ________ (go) swimming every day during their vacation.
  9. I ________ (not understand) why you are upset.
  10. We ________ (never see) that movie before.
  11. She ________ (already finish) her homework.
  12. They ________ (not go) to the party last night.
  13. He ________ (always help) others in need.
  14. I ________ (usually wake up) early on weekdays.
  15. She ________ (study) for her exams next week.
  16. They ________ (not know) the answer to the question.
  17. We ________ (visit) the museum tomorrow.
  18. He ________ (live) in this city for ten years.
  19. I ________ (not see) you recently.
  20. She ________ (always be) on time for appointments.



Sure, here's the answer key for the Simple Tense Test:

1. shines

2. eat

3. traveled

4. will watch

5. will visit

6. writes

7. has spoken

8. went

9. don't understand

10. have never seen

11. has already finished

12. did not go

13. always helps

14. usually wake up

15. will study

16. do not know

17. will visit

18. has lived

19. have not seen

20. always is or is always


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