
Performance Output - Verb Tenses

 Direction. Complete the following sentences using the correct word (Copy and Answer) Simple Tense Test: Fill in the Blanks Instructions: Choose the correct simple tense (present, past, or future) to complete each sentence grammatically. The sun ________ (shine) brightly every day this week. I ________ (eat) breakfast every morning before work. She ________ (travel) to Europe last summer. They ________ (watch) a movie tonight. We ________ (visit) our grandparents next weekend. He ________ (write) a letter every week to his pen pal. She ________ (speak) fluent French since she was a child. They ________ (go) swimming every day during their vacation. I ________ (not understand) why you are upset. We ________ (never see) that movie before. She ________ (already finish) her homework. They ________ (not go) to the party last night. He ________ (always help) others in need. I ________ (usually wake up) early on weekdays. She ________ (study) for her exams n


Understanding Cultural Sensitivity: Navigating Diversity in the Philippines By: Pj Miana Cultural sensitivity is the ability to recognize, appreciate, and respect the differences in customs, beliefs, and traditions among individuals and groups. It involves being mindful of cultural nuances and avoiding behaviors or actions that may unintentionally offend or disrespect others. In the context of the Philippines, a country with a diverse and regional culture, cultural sensitivity plays a crucial role in fostering unity and understanding among its people.   Examples of Cultural Sensitivity in the Philippine Context:   1. Respecting Regional Differences: The Philippines is comprised of various regions, each with its unique culture and traditions. For example, in the Cordillera region, indigenous tribes like the Igorots have distinct customs related to rituals, dances, and attire. Cultural sensitivity involves respecting and honoring these regional differences.   2. Language


  Understanding Cultural Sensitivity: Embracing Diversity in the Philippines By: PJ MIANA  Grade Level: 6 Quarter: 3 In the beautiful archipelago of the Philippines, we are fortunate to be surrounded by a rich tapestry of cultures, traditions, and beliefs. From the bustling streets of Manila to the tranquil shores of Palawan, diversity is woven into the very fabric of our society. But with this diversity comes a responsibility – a responsibility to be culturally sensitive. But what does it mean to be culturally sensitive? Imagine a colorful tapestry, each thread representing a different culture or tradition. Cultural sensitivity is like stepping back to admire the beauty of the entire tapestry, appreciating each thread for its unique contribution. In the Philippines, we have over a hundred ethno-linguistic groups, each with its own language, customs, and way of life. From the Igorots in the northern mountains to the Tausugs in the southern islands, our country is a mosaic of cu

Embracing the Essence of Love: Celebrating Connection and Compassion

"Embracing the Essence of Love: Celebrating Connection and Compassion" As February unfolds, hearts around the world beat in rhythm with the spirit of love. This month isn't just about roses and chocolates; it's a celebration of the profound connections that bind us together. Love, in its many forms, transcends romantic gestures to encompass compassion, empathy, and understanding. Whether it's the warmth of a familial embrace, the laughter shared among friends, or the kindness extended to strangers, love radiates through every act of connection. In a world often besieged by division and discord, love serves as a guiding light, reminding us of our shared humanity and the power of unity. So, as we navigate the complexities of life, let us pause to cherish the bonds that enrich our existence, and may the essence of love continue to illuminate our paths with grace and kindness. RETURN TO READING ARTICLES


Title: Principles of Kapayapaan (Peace) in the Philippines By: Pj Miana Kapayapaan, or peace, is a fundamental value deeply rooted in the culture and history of the Philippines. As young learners, understanding the principles of kapayapaan is crucial not only for creating harmony in our communities but also for fostering a brighter and more united future. Let's explore the key principles that guide us towards a peaceful and harmonious society.   1. Bayanihan (Community Unity): In the Philippines, bayanihan is a traditional practice where members of a community come together to help one another. This principle emphasizes the importance of unity and cooperation. By working together, we can achieve common goals and overcome challenges. Encouraging bayanihan promotes a sense of belonging and mutual support, essential elements for maintaining peace in our communities.   2. Respect for Diversity: The Philippines is a diverse nation with various cultures, languages, and trad


What is Justice? by: Pj Miana Justice is like a sweet treat where everyone gets an equal share. It's like a game where the rules are fair for everyone, ensuring justice. For example, when playing a game of kickball, it's important that everyone has an equal chance to win. In our society, justice brings equality and respect for one another. If something unfair happens, people feel upset. Therefore, justice is essential for a joyful community. Two Types of Peace: Positive and Negative Peace There are two types of peace: positive peace and negative peace. Positive peace involves having good relationships and understanding with each other. For instance, if friends have a disagreement, it's better for them to talk and understand each other to remain friends. On the other hand, negative peace is the quiet avoidance of conflict. For example, hiding in your room when you're angry may not be the best solution. It's still better to talk and resolve any misunderstandings. Prin

The Evolution of Cars

The Evolution of Cars by Pj Miana (Reading and Comprehension Exercise) Cars have come a long way since their invention in the late 19th century. From the first steam-powered vehicles to modern electric cars, the evolution of cars has been driven by technological advancements, changing societal needs, and environmental concerns. The first cars were powered by steam and were slow, bulky, and expensive to operate. In the early 20th century, gasoline-powered cars began to replace steam-powered ones. These cars were faster, more efficient, and less expensive to operate, making them more accessible to the general public. In the 1920s and 30s, cars became more stylish and streamlined, reflecting the Art Deco aesthetic of the time. Cars also became more affordable and reliable, with mass production techniques pioneered by companies like Ford and General Motors. In the post-World War II era, cars became symbols of American freedom and prosperity. Cars like the Chevrolet Bel Air and the Ford Thu